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Brief explanation of the use of LED bulbs on the train - Pardazesh TamKar Eng Co.


As global warming accelerates, all countries must help eliminate greenhouse gas builders. One of the factors that cause greenhouse gas emissions is conventional bulbs that are considered to be major sources of greenhouse gas emissions due to their high utilization rates in most countries of the world. And considering that the share of lighting, which is mainly supplied by ordinary bulbs, is a significant proportion of the total consumption of electricity, especially at the peak of consumption, for example in Iran, about 30% of total energy consumption and about 45 to 50% of consumption of peak It’s just a matter of lighting, and it’s a big deal Let’s go With that in mind, many countries have put in place a few years of replacing other models of bulbs instead of conventional bulbs, in the long run, to remove this type of bulb and replace another bulb that, in addition to removing greenhouse gases from energy Use less to produce more light. Of course, this needs to change the culture of people in the use of equipment, so that their approach to this type of lamp is more universal. The cost of the first purchase of other lamps and the cheapness of energy is a major reason for many people to buy conventional bulbs. This justification is based on the importance of the issue of energy management in lighting systems, the development of new methods and technologies in this field, as well as its high efficiency and application in the use of new LED systems in residential, commercial, street lighting and so on.

What is LED?

LED stands for LIGHT EMMTTED DIODE means the light emitting diodes. Light emitting diodes are, in fact, part of the family of electronic diodes, which are also part of the semiconductor subcategory. The property that distinguishes LEDs from other semiconductors is that they emit some light energy from them through the flow of current.

The most important benefits of LED lighting systems

Reduce energy consumption (with the highest light-converting efficiency)
Long lifespan
Generate the lowest amount of heat
Higher brightness and high color variation
Extremely low power consumption
Smaller size
Easier energy transfer
Exposure timing
Possibility to use solar cells

Replacement LED light bulb instead of fluorescent lights in passenger cars

Nowadays, with the advent of technology and given the problems with the use of fluorescent lighting, the need to use light bulbs using LED technology is examined.

Disadvantages of fluorescent lights

Lowering the fluorescent lamp include starter, trans (chok), lamp, flare and bubble
The need for alternating voltage 220 volts and, consequently, the use of two DC-to-AC converters in the energy carriages (inverter)
Deprecation and high consumption of lighting bubbles and high costs
Short life of ordinary incandescent and fluorescent lamps
Variety of type lights in different types of wagons
High cost of maintenance and repair of lighting system
High energy consumption

Advantages of replacing LED lights with fluorescent lights

No need to use parts such as starter, chuck, headlight and fluorescent lamp, and, naturally, “reduce the cost of supplying parts
The use of feed in the wagon, for example, is 24 V in new Danish and German wagons or 110 V in Eastern, Western and French German carriages.
Lower bubble consumption
The high lifetime of LED lamps ranges from 50,000 to 10,000 hours (approximately 10 times less power consumption lamps and 100 times the ordinary bulbs
Equalize the shape of the lights
Very low energy consumption (approximately 20 times)
The ability to combine color and create warm, cold and combined light
Reduced depreciation and battery consumption
Decreasing the mechanical and electrical parts of the generator and gearbox

An example of the benefits and reduced costs of installing LED lights in a year is as follows:

Reduce the cost of providing a bubble of a coupe
Reduce inverter maintenance cost
Reduce the cost of supplying parts of the West German, East, Danish and German new inverters
Reduce the cost of supplying a fluorescent lamp
Reduce the cost of starting a startup
Reduce the cost of providing 50 and 100 hectares
Reduced maintenance and lighting costs due to high lifetime of LED bulb and 2 year warranty.
Reducing the supply of batteries in carriages due to low consumption of lamps and consequently the lack of wear and discharge of batteries
The decrease in the size of the battery and the cost of buying batteries due to the lack of high flow (reducing the capacity of the battery from 12 battery blocks of 350 amps per hour to two 12-volt batteries 150 amp-hours-a Persian type battery)
Reducing the cost of maintenance and repair of generator and gearbox
Removing the circuit, lamp and emergency light switch due to the DC power consumption
Simplification of the electric wagon panel (220V and 220V)

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