General Specifications

- Separate output for each sensor
- Customizable alarm output
- Computer software capable of instant reporting, past retrieval and graph drawing
- Recording Information (9000 Record Memory)
- Sampling rate 10 seconds to 12 hours
- Ability to connect to modem and remote control
- Ability to install a teaspoon for alarms
- Ability to send and receive SMS
- Able to be installed on a network platform
- Easy installation
- Dimensions 80 * 96 * 96 cm
- 220VAC power supply
- Temperature range: 120 ~ -40 degrees Celsius
- Humidity range: 0% ~ 100%
- Voltage range: 0 ~ 5 or 0 ~ 10 V
- Flow Range: 4-20 mA
- Number of input signals (analog or digital): 3
- Customizable output stream: 2
- Programmable Alarm Output Number: 1
- One year warranty and ten years after-sales service
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